Main Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
To manage all engineering activities associated with a Major Field Development Project as part of an integrated project team.
Manage the close-out of the opportunity identification study
Plan and manage the execution of the alternate options selection study
Plan and manage the execution of the multi-discipline FEED/Conceptual Design Study for preferred option
Preparation and administration of design budgets, estimates, forecasts and schedules.
Development of a cohesive and functional team
Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the Oil & Gas Business Unit.
Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the Oil & Gas Business Unit. Understand and follow OH&S procedures.
Quality Assurance – Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system relevant to the BU, etc
Safety – Responsible for personal safety safe working practices for the BU, etc. Understand and follow OH&S procedures.
Staff Responsibilities
Responsible for the well being of all direct reports as identified by the Engineering Organisation Chart 201012-00122-0000-PM-DRG-1002
Safety Responsibilities:
Demonstrate a personal commitment to Health, Safety and the Environment by:
Being aware of Australian and Local Statutory Health, Safety & Environmental Regulations;
Demonstrating an understanding of the project objectives in the areas of Health, Safety and the Environment.
Qualifications & Experience:
Strong technical skills in the offshore oil and gas industry
Track record of managing multi-discipline design teams
Experience of front-end development work
Proven ability to work with a minimal supervision
Proven ability and willingness to meet agreed deadlines
High level of understanding of management of interfaces across multi-functional groups inc. drilling, well services, operations, maintenance, etc.
Excellent interpersonal skills
Proven team builder
Good report writing skills
Engineering degree
Working Conditions:
Perth Based in the Integrated Project Teams offices
澳大利亚沃利帕森斯(以下简称WP) WorleyParsons(WP) ( )是世界最大的设计、工程咨询和项目管理公司之一,涉及化工、石化、冶金、电力、基础设施等领域的服务。公司在澳大利亚证券交易所上市(ABN 17 096 090 158)。在全球37个国家118个办公室有30,000多名员工。依托其技术专家、业务执行系统及广泛的资源可以为业主提供全方位服务。 WorleyParsons2009年销售额超过64亿澳元。位列2009年ENR全球前150家最大设计咨询公司排行榜第5名,前200家最大设计咨询公司国际业务排行榜第2名, 2010年全球前150家最大设计咨询公司海外电力业务排名第1。电力是WP的主业之一,在全球12个国家建立了21个分支机构,共有员工约2800人,其中在加拿大埃德蒙顿、保加利亚索非亚、美国瑞丁、新加坡、悉尼、北京建立了电力业务地区总部。100多年来,建设的机组容量约 192,800MW(740台机组),业务涉及核电、煤电、重油发电、联合循环(含IGCC)、机组改造。另外WP在烟气净化(脱硫/脱硝/脱汞)、特高压输电线路等方面也有丰富的经验。目前沃利帕森斯的电力业务已经进入中国, 2006年4月8日与山东院、山西院、河南院、鲁能院签订了在100万千瓦等级超临界机组电厂工程设计咨询技术转让合同。 美盛沃利(北京)工程设计有限公司(以下简称MWP) MWP是WP在中国的子公司(,全面执行和支持沃利帕森斯在中国的业务。总部位于北京,同时在上海、天津、南京、沈阳、成都、鞍山、深圳、连云港设有分支机构,是目前中国大陆最大的外资工程公司,已执行或正在执行的项目超过400个,共有超过1600名员工。
职位名称 | 公司名称 | 招聘人数 | 工作地区 | 学历要求 | 性别 | 更新日期 | |
设计经理 | 建湖县鸿达阀门管件有限公司 | 若干人 | 江苏盐城市建湖县 | 不限 | 不限 | 2015-07-02 | |
设计经理(压力容器、槽罐车) | 查特深冷工程系统(常州)有限公司 | 1人 | 江苏常州市 | 大专 | 不限 | 2015-07-06 | |
电梯设计经理 | 北京鸿源博厦电梯有限公司 | 1人 | 北京市西城区 | 高中 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
暖通设计经理 | 湖南永清环保股份有限公司 | 2人 | 湖南长沙市 | 本科 | 不限 | 2024-09-26 | |
工艺设计经理 | 湖南永清环保股份有限公司 | 2人 | 湖南长沙市 | 本科 | 不限 | 2024-09-26 |